Skin Pinch

Skin Pinch in Birmingham, Ann Arbor and Detroit

Refresh and Rejuvenate the Eyes


The eyes are too delicate for most cosmetic procedures. Fortunately, the skin pinch technique can rejuvenate the eyes by eliminating the wrinkles, bags or discoloration surrounding them - leaving you looking younger and more refreshed!

During a minor surgical procedure, the skin pinch eliminates excess skin around the eyes to produce a more youthful appearance. In a matter of minutes, you can rejuvenate the eyes to achieve permanent results that help you look years younger. Plus, you can resume most activities almost immediately after treatment.

The Procedure



What Skin Pinch treats

Wrinkles and lines around the eyes
Bags under the eyes
Sagging skin around the eyes
An aged appearance

Procedure time

Up to 60 minutes

Recovery time 

The recovery period immediately following a skin pinch is approximately one week. While you can return to most activities shortly following your treatment, you will need to take special care of the treatment area and avoid a few select activities during this recovery period.


The results from the skin pinch treatment are visible immediately, but they will not be fully noticeable until the recovery process is complete and any side effects have completely subdued - typically within one to two weeks of treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Skin Pinch?

A skin pinch is a cosmetic surgery for rejuvenating the eyes. During a skin pinch, the skin surrounding the eyes is pinched together, then trimmed away. The remaining skin is stitched to produce a small, inconspicuous scar near the natural folds of the eyes. Following a skin pinch, patients enjoy a refreshed appearance that makes them look younger and well-rested.

Are You Put to Sleep for a Skin Pinch?

Traditionally, the skin pinch procedure is performed with local anesthesia. This means you will not be unconscious for the procedure, but you will be completely numbed in the treatment area. Since the eyelids themselves are not affected by treatment, patients are able to relax comfortably throughout the skin pinch treatment with this anesthetic technique.

What is the Difference Between a Skin Pinch and a Blepharoplasty?

The difference between a skin pinch and a blepharoplasty is that a skin pinch targets the skin surrounding the eyes, particularly on the outside of the eyes and underneath the eyes. A blepharoplasty, on the other hand, targets the eyelids themselves. Both can provide impressive results for rejuvenating the eyes, and for that reason, they are often performed together.

Am I A Good Candidate for a Skin Pinch?

If you would like to refresh the appearance by tightening and smoothing the skin around the eyes, you may be a good candidate for the skin pinch treatment. The best way to find out if a skin pinch is right for you is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Charles Boyd. During your consultation, you can discuss your needs and develop a personalized treatment plan that will deliver the best possible results. We offer skin pinch at BOYD Birmingham in Birmingham, MI.